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What protocols must police avoid during a drug arrest?

On Behalf of | Oct 2, 2023 | Criminal Defense |

Drug arrests require law enforcement to adhere to specific guidelines. Following these mandates is necessary to respect and protect the rights of citizens.

Nonetheless, police officers sometimes ignore these regulations. Society must hold violating cops accountable. Doing so discourages such misbehavior, thus helping ensure a more fair and just legal process.

Unlawful searches and seizures

The Fourth Amendment shields citizens from arbitrary shakedowns. Officers must have a valid search warrant or probable cause that justifies their actions. Any evidence obtained through unlawful means may be inadmissible in court.

Coercion and duress

Police must refrain from unsavory tactics to get information from suspects. Similarly, it is not okay to pressure individuals into providing self-incriminating statements or engaging in illegal activities through entrapment.

Excessive use of force

Unreasonable force is not allowed during a drug arrest or, for that matter, any other arrest situation. Physical force must be proportionate to the circumstances, and officers must prioritize de-escalation techniques whenever possible.

Racial profiling and discrimination

Treating suspects differently because of skin color or ethnicity is strictly prohibited. All individuals deserve equal treatment under the law. Unfortunately, prejudice is more widespread than many realize. One study finds that police treat black people with twelve times the amount of misconduct as white people.

Proper documentation and reporting

Police officers may not falsify or omit information in their reports. All interactions, evidence and procedures must be accurate. Failure to maintain proper records can undermine the credibility of an arrest and may have legal consequences.

Drug arrests are subject to strict regulations. Absent these rules, law enforcement officials could be far more liable to abuse their power and send innocent people to prison.
