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Do you need to obtain SR-22 insurance?

On Behalf of | Apr 7, 2023 | Criminal Defense |

As you probably know, car insurance can be expensive. In fact, according to Bankrate, the average Georgian pays $639 per year for minimum coverage and more than $2,000 per year for comprehensive coverage. The amount you pay, though, probably depends on your age, sex and driving history.

To comply with state law, it is critical to maintain appropriate car insurance. While many drivers can do so simply by purchasing a policy and carrying proof of coverage, others must file a special form with state officials.

What is SR-22 insurance?

Rather than being a separate type of car insurance, SR-22 is a financial responsibility certification you submit to the state. This form proves you have car insurance that meets legal requirements. After purchasing an insurance policy, your provider should give you an SR-22 form you can file.

Who needs an SR-22 certificate?

Citations for minor traffic violations typically do not trigger an SR-22 requirement. For serious matters, though, the state has an interest in ensuring you have adequate car insurance. Any of the following might require you to obtain an SR-22 certificate:

  • You have a conviction for driving under the influence
  • You have received a citation for driving without a license or driving without car insurance
  • You have been in a car accident when you did not have car insurance

Other factors, such as falling behind on child support payments or being a high-risk driver also might increase your chance of needing SR-22 coverage. Still, DUIs are perhaps the most common reason individuals must provide proof of their insurance coverage.

If you are facing DUI charges, you undoubtedly realize just how costly drunk driving can be. Ultimately, mounting a solid defense might keep you from having to purchase an expensive SR-22 policy.
