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Unpaid child support and driver’s license suspension

On Behalf of | May 29, 2024 | Divorce |

Unpaid child support is a serious issue that can have significant consequences for both the parent who owes support and the child who is entitled to it. One common consequence of failing to pay child support is having your driver’s license suspended.

Parents who owe support should understand why this happens and how it can be prevented.

The impact of license suspension

When a parent fails to pay child support as ordered by the court, they are in violation of a legal obligation to provide financial support for their child. In Georgia, this can result in the suspension of their driver’s license as a means of enforcing compliance with the child support order. This measure is intended to encourage parents to fulfill their financial responsibilities towards their children.

Having your driver’s license suspended due to unpaid child support can have a significant impact on your daily life. It can make it difficult to get to work, attend medical appointments and take care of other important tasks. Furthermore, it can also lead to additional legal consequences, such as fines or even jail time in some cases.

Avoiding license suspension

To prevent your driver’s license from being suspended due to unpaid child support, it is necessary to stay current on your support payments. If you are facing financial difficulties that make it challenging to meet your obligations, it is important to communicate with the child support enforcement agency or the court as soon as possible. The Georgia Division of Child Support Services says they may have the ability to offer an alternative to license suspension to parents who inform them of employment or income changes.

It is important to prioritize meeting your child support obligations to avoid losing your driving privileges. If you are struggling to pay child support, seek assistance from the appropriate authorities to find a solution that works for both you and your child. Remember, fulfilling your responsibilities as a parent is important for the well-being of your child and your own legal standing.
